touraine courtage logo Company name is touraine courtage, based in France.
Brokerage service for raw materials used in the animal fee and petfood industry.
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Who are we?

TOURAINE COURTAGE was founded in 1982 and has become a leading brokerage service in the Touraine region of Central France for raw materials used in the manufacture of petfood, animal feeds and organic fertilizer.

            TOURAINE COURTAGE offers the following attractive benefits to its customers:

Company Features

Procurement from Europe’s leading supplier companies.
Transport and Logistics service provided, if required.
Personal service guaranteed.
All year round brokerage service offered.
Over 20 years experience of the raw material supply chain.

With suppliers and customers spread through Western Europe, a truly International service is offered which includes considerable expertise of Logistics and Delivery.

The company is a registered member of the Féderation Française des Syndicats de Courtiers de Marchandises (176/178 Bourse de Commerce, 75040 PARIS CEDEX 1)


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