touraine courtage logo Company name is touraine courtage, based in France.
Brokerage service for raw materials used in the animal fee and petfood industry.
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Why choose us?

We were founded in 1982 and have become one of the top brokerages in central France for raw materials used in the manufacture of petfood, animal feeds and organic fertilizers. We know the market, the suppliers, their products and the end user and their needs; then we deal with the contract, delivery logistics and any possible problems to make sure that both parties are satisfied.

With more than 20 years experience, Mrs Chalouas is also a Courtier de Marchandises  Assermente près La Cour d’Appel d’Orléans, sworn in by the courts, (in effect, a state official) and can act as an arbitrator in the event of a dispute or compensation claim, usually at the business premises of another organisation. Her entry on that web site is here.

Who is your Broker?

  bullet a market information provider
  bullet 2 a contract negotiator
  bullet 3 an unbiased witness of the contractual agreement
  bullet 4 a specialist in contract clauses
  bullet 5 a diplomat during the execution of the contract
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